The issue of Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG), Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV), and Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) is a critical one that affects individuals in societies across the world. However, it is particularly challenging for persons with disabilities who often face additional barriers in accessing essential services and support.
In response to this issue, the Centre for Women’s Health and Information, in collaboration with Hope Alive for Possibilities Initiative (HAPI), organized a 4-day workshop in Gboko, Benue State, aimed at sensitizing and enhancing the skills of PWDs to hold duty bearers accountable for VAWG/SGBV/SRHR response in Benue State.
The event was a strategic one as it brought together key stakeholders, including representatives from disability-based organizations, women’s groups, youth networks, as well as government officials, to discuss ways to address the challenges faced by PWDs concerning VAWG/SGBV/SRHR. The training was a much-needed step towards creating awareness and building capacity on this critical issue.
During the workshop, participants were trained on various strategies for holding duty bearers accountable for their responsibilities in addressing the issue of VAWG/SGBV/SRHR. These strategies included effective communication and advocacy techniques, monitoring and reporting mechanisms, and community mobilization approaches. Participants were also provided with relevant resources and tools to support their work in addressing the challenges faced by PWDs.
The workshop was not only an opportunity to enhance the skills of PWDs but also a platform for participants to network, share experiences, and learn from each other. Participants were able to discuss the challenges they face in their various communities, including the lack of access to information, discrimination, and stigmatization. They also shared ideas on how to overcome these challenges and work towards creating more inclusive societies.
Overall, the workshop was a significant step towards addressing the issue of VAWG/SGBV/SRHR among PWDs in Benue State. The training provided participants with the skills and knowledge necessary to hold duty bearers accountable for their responsibilities in addressing this critical issue. With continued support and collaboration from relevant stakeholders, it is hoped that the efforts of these organizations will lead to positive change and greater inclusion for PWDs in society.
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