The European Union (EU) and Agents for Citizens Driven Transformation (ACT) recently organized a fundraising training program for CSOs. The aim of the training was to build the capacity of CSOs on the EU-ACT grant template, to enable them to apply for the EU-ACT Challenge Fund or Development Fund.
HAPI was represented at the training by Ms. Mercy Jovkyundan and Ms. Chika Idemili. The HAPI team was eager to learn about developing an attractive proposal in line with the EU-ACT Template. The training covered several areas, including developing a project summary, identifying overall objectives, expected output, outcome, and impact of the project. The program entailed practical sessions where participants crafted activities to clearly address the project goals and objectives, indicators of achievement, identifying target beneficiaries, and budgeting.
The training was an opportunity for HAPI and other CSOs to build their capacity on fundraising and grant proposal writing. The training provided the participants with valuable information on how to develop a comprehensive and compelling proposal that would attract funders. Through the practical sessions, participants were able to apply the knowledge gained during the training to their specific projects, making it easier for them to prepare grant applications.
One of the major takeaways from the training was the importance of clearly articulating the project goals and objectives, expected outcomes, and impact. It was emphasized that funders want to see a clear understanding of the problem and how the project aims to solve it. Additionally, participants were taught how to develop a budget that accurately reflected the project’s needs and the target beneficiaries’ requirements.
Overall, the EU-ACT CSO partner organizations’ fundraising training was a valuable experience for HAPI and other CSOs that participated. The training helped to build their capacity on fundraising and grant proposal writing, and the practical sessions enabled them to apply the knowledge gained to their specific projects. HAPI will continue to apply the skills learned during the training to attract funding for its projects and create a better life for persons with disabilities.
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